Huwaaa. sumpah sedih gile Breaking Bad (BB) dah habis. ahad hari tu episode last. memang follow since first season lagi. x taw le macam mane aku boleh terjumpe series ni.sekali tengok, terus lekat, pastu x sabar2 tunggu season demi season. gituh. hahahah. bile tengok kat 9gag, rupenye famous series ni kat oversea.
Episod last hari tu, aku agak puas hati la. walaupun aku benci gile kenape White x bunuh aje those 2 suckers from Gray Matter Technologies, tp okay la White gunekan dorg utk bagi duit kat anak2 die. yang paling best+kelakar, hahahha, Badger and Skinny Pete tibe2 muncul last episode. Good one! pastu, aku puas hati gile la White bunuh sume orang. tapi, 'White doesn't kill family', okay. Pastu, ringtone hp Todd lepas Jesse bunuh die, x tahan betul, 'Lydia, Lydia, bla bla bla (x igt lirik. haha)'. Duduk la kat Belize Todd wey, dengan Uncle Jack, dengan Lydia. and Oh, not to forget, Hank, Mike. sob3
Sedih jugak White mati. Tp, scene last tu rase sedih sgt, at the same time, rase puas hati jugak. White mati dalam meth lab. *wipe my tears*.
Series ni 5 season. Walaupun sedih + x nk series ni habis, tp, bg aku, series jgn panjang2 meleret2 sgt la. sampai belas2 season. lame2 cite jadi mengarut. Dah bosan tengok. *walaupun dalam hati nk tgk BB lagi*.
Nanti satu hari, aku nk ulang balik series BB ni. hehe.
*still crying inside...*
*last scene sob3*
One of White aka Heisenberg signature.
Breaking Bad family, thanks for this awesome series! let's Breaking Bad till forever!
*wipe my tears*
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