Sunday, January 31, 2010


Yup.I did my internship at PETRONAS Carigali, Kerteh for 8 months.June 2009 until Jan 2010.It was a long doubt.Perhaps the longest in this country.haha.It's proven when someone said to you, 'Fuh,at last,you finish your internship.I thought you're permanent staff already'.See.See.See.

Being in PCSB was really enjoyable to me, although at first it was really like omg-I-hate-internship. But, it turned out to be wrong.Yes.I like it.I like it.I like it.The term 'enjoyable' does not refers to something related with entertainment.Ouch.Yes.We did enjoy ourselves there.But,in terms of works, it was very valuable.I was attached to PPD-D department. FYI, PPD-D stands for Peninsular Production Department and D at the back stands for Duyong. Duyong is a platform fyi. Yup,being in this department really helped me a lot and not to focus only on my course related background, but, I was able to learn many things from various engineering background. Okay.Enough talking about my department.HAHA.

I stayed in an apartment in Kerteh, a nice location for students who had their internship in PCSB. My super duper housemate, Dayah Along, Dayah Civil, Pinut and Iqin. And I did not have any problem with my friends.Owh.Except one.During the starting of my internship.Nahh.Lets not talking about it.And, I hate to write or even talk about it.It hurt me.A LOT. And I can't even forget about it.I'm sorry.
And ya,Interns Kerteh. I meant INKERT.Haha.Style right. Inkert consists of me,Along,Dayah Civil,Pinut,Iqin,Jafni,Afiq,Shahmi,Akhi,Anep,Zikri my darling,Zieerwan,Zarip,Alip Om, Pidot, and Hafiq. we're all interns who stayed in Kerteh. Yup, We did everything together.okay lah.Not everything lah.Eating, enjoying ourselves, laughing, gossiping, crying (over okay),jalan-jalan and many more.I really love you guys. I bet if you guys were not around, my internship turned to be a nightmare.

So, overall. This internhsip really taught me a lot.A lot.A lot. I really love my internship. The people, the surrounding. Maybe for some people, they still hate their internship although they're going to finish it in less than 1 hour, but, mine is not. I love it. It helped me a lot in my studies and also for my future. This internship also taught me about friendship. And yes, it did change people.If not me, maybe others. So people, please appreciate your internship.Tibah! (tiba-tiba).


Saturday, January 2, 2010



Aku mengantuk...Sangat..Sangat...


Perlu diteruskan...

Final report yang sepatutnya dihantar Khamis lepas,tapi, tak siap,kena hantar esok.isk..takpe2..lepas ni tak payah buat dah...

Laptop aku rosak..screen pecah..isk.susah nak cerita.kalau kau tengok laptop aku,terkejut beruk.macam video beruk terkejut tengok diri sendiri dalam cermin tu. Dah hantar Acer centre,habis melayang RM580 aku. Scholar MARA 1 bulan okeh!isk...

Okaylah.Sekarang tengah guna laptop Suria. Dia tumpang tidur rumah sewa aku sebab nak dating ngan pakwe dia.hehe.

Nak buat report dah.

Adios.(perempuan dalam gambor tu lebey kurang macam aku je.ahaha:P)

Okay lah.Okay lah.ByeBye.ZZZzzzZZZ.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Hari Sabtu.

Clock : 7.34 am

Aku bangun awal hari ni. Nak tahu kenapa? Eceh. Sebab nak pergi belajar driving. PSM Kemaman. Actually, aku tengah intern kat Kerteh sekarang, so, grab the opportunity lah since every semester break i'll be busy with PERMATA stuff, plus, after this internship is over, I'm in my final year.So, all of us are going to be busy, especially during our next semester break. Ouch.
Okay, every Sabtu tunggu pakcik tu datang ambil kat umah. Pakcik tu tak ambil tambang macam cikgu2 driving lain yang charge student about RM100 for the whole sessions sebab tumpang.

Yang nervousnya...yang nak pitamnya...


Isk.Nervous lah. Nak2 part bukit. Sepanjang aku belajar,banyak tak jadi than jadi..isk...

Okaylah. Nak pergi dah ni. Doakan aku dapat practice elok2.*wink*

Bye Bye.

Owh. FYI, 3rd January - 7th January is my last internship week. Later lah I story mory. GTG.


Hope This One Will Work.

Okaylah, sempena Tahun Baru ni..aku nak ucap...

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 to all!!!!
Have a blast one!!!!
